Economic sustainability
Renta’s goal is to help you save both money and the environment without compromising on the quality and availability of equipment. The money saved can be invested, for example, in the well-being of your personnel.

Renta’s goal is to help you save both money and the environment without compromising on the quality and availability of equipment. The money saved can be invested, for example, in the well-being of your personnel.
Sometimes owning a machine makes sense. However, in most cases, renting is much more efficient from both an environmental and a financial perspective for a company.
The key question, even in this context, is the actual utilization rate of the machines. Therefore, managing utilization rates and costs should be as transparent and easy as possible.
Renting allows for the efficient utilization of specialized equipment needed less frequently, leading to smooth operations.
High-quality, durable, modern, and environmentally friendly equipment is more valuable. Thanks to high utilization rates, we can invest in, for example, more expensive fully electric lifts and make them available to renters at a reasonable price.
Renta Easy is a tool for optimizing equipment. The application provides a real-time view of equipment utilization and costs, making renting, returning, and exchanging hassle-free.
Renta’s goal is to help you save both money and the environment without compromising on the quality and availability of equipment. The money saved can be invested, for example, in the well-being of your personnel.
Sustainability is no longer just a nice addition; it is becoming a direct necessity for companies, including in the construction industry. Leading companies in the field set an example for others. Those aiming for long-term success seek solutions in their operations and partnerships that help them act more sustainably and responsibly.
While sustainability aims to secure the future of the planet and its inhabitants, taking sustainability seriously can also secure a company’s own future in the market.
According to FIBS’s Corporate Responsibility 2019 survey, 99% of the executives from Finland’s 1000 largest companies who responded considered responsibility essential. 93% believed in the growing significance of responsibility, and 76% believed that responsibility resources and investments would increase over the next five years. 85% of the companies had sustainability-related goals. More than half of the large companies completely agreed that the business benefits of responsibility exceed the resources invested in it.
The importance and resources dedicated to responsibility were at a higher level in companies than ever before. Leading companies already understand the significance of responsibility quite well. Failure in responsibility matters is becoming an increasingly significant risk. The benefits of responsibility, both in terms of reputation and directly to the bottom line, are becoming clearer for companies.
At Renta, we believe that sustainability will increase more rapidly the more it is discussed, and the easier it becomes to make responsible choices.
The manufacturing of machines requires natural resources. Ownership and maintenance demand capital and labor inputs. All of these are finite resources, and their wasteful use is worth avoiding – both for the economy and the environment.
It is in everyone’s interest that the market produces an appropriate quantity of sustainable, environmentally friendly, and operationally efficient machines that are readily available where needed.
It is in everyone’s interest that machines do not stand idle unnecessarily, accumulating costs, creating hazards, or ending up as scrap in some corner of a depot.
Most often, the need for different construction equipment and efficient utilization rates varies significantly within a project. In this situation, resources invested in one’s own machines are not efficiently utilized. The same can be said for a rented machine that spends three months on a construction site but is actively used for only seven days during that time.
Pursuing emission and resource efficiency not only enhances a company’s reputation but also brings cost benefits.